The Younger team will be hosting a web services course for individuals looking to learn more about the web services industry. People with web based computer skills are in high demand in 2021. Our hope is to develop participants to be better equipped in their job by learning how the internet works, terminology, the latest web trends, search engine optimization and web development 101.
Every Tuesday night from 6:00p to 7:00p in August, you can join us online or in person at our headquarters for a one hour session covering the basics of web service technology.
Course Price: $99
What makes a website a website?
Website Terminology
Content Management Systems
Website Building Platforms
Content Management
Search Engine Optimization
Website Elements
HTML Application
CSS Application
Using Frameworks
Coding Assignment
Code Review
Industry Terminology
Git Repositories
**In-person space is limited.
*All participants are required to supply their own computer and have basic computer skills with their computer's operating system for this course.
(Mac, Windows, ChromeOS & Linux)